Chai Green Dye 20X - Gateway Biosciences

Chai Green Dye 20X

A superior dye for Real-Time PCR & High Resolution Melt. Provided in water at 20X concentration.

  • A superior dye for Real-Time PCR & High Resolution Melt (HRM)
  • Dramatically lower PCR inhibition compared with SYBR Green
  • Open license allows free use, with no restrictions or licensing fees
  • Compatible with all instruments supporting SYBR/FAM fluorophores
  • Cat #: R01200S-SE, 1 x 1 mL
  • Cat #: R01200M-SE, 5 x 1 mL
  • Cat #: R01200L-SE, 1 x 50 mL


Chai Green™ is a new DNA binding dye optimized for Real-Time PCR and High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis. It is significantly less inhibitory than SYBR Green because it binds primarily within the minor groove of DNA. Because of its lower inhibition, it may be used in higher concentrations resulting in increased fluorescence output, making it ideal for sensitive applications like HRM. The decreased PCR inhibition also decreases detection times in isothermal amplification applications.

Chai Green is compatible with all Real-Time PCR instruments supporting SYBR or FAM fluorophores, as its fluorescence spectrum is similar to SYBR Green. Dye binding appears to be cooperative and is influenced by the dye concentration and dye-to-basepair ratio.
Chai Green Fluorescence Spectrum

The fluorescence spectrum of Chai Green™ is similar to that of SYBR Green.

  • Thermally stable dye designed for qPCR, melt curve, and High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis
  • Perform HRM at 1X working concentration without inhibiting PCR
  • No detectable loss of fluorescence after 20 freeze/thaw cycles
  • Produces lower detection times when used in isothermal amplification
  • Compatible with fast PCR protocols
  • No change of melt temperature when used at higher concentrations